Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Tripal Test Suite! This guide should help you get setup quickly to start contributing.

Creating a Development Environment

It is highly recommended to use Docker to create your development environment. This would guarantee that we share identical environments and help reduce debugging efforts.

To get started:

  • Fork this repository (see guide on GitHub)
  • Clone your fork git clone (where USERNAME is your Github username).
  • Navigate to TripalTestSuite cd TripalTestSuite
  • Install dependencies composer install
  • Boot up Docker docker-compose up -d
  • Finally, checkout a new branch and make your changes git checkout -b my-branch-name (please make the branch name descriptive)


If introducing new features, please provide unit tests for the new features.

Performing Tests

We require that all new features and contributions are fully unit-tested. There are two types of tests:

  • TripalTestSuite features that do not require Drupal (such as the reflect and silent helper methods)
  • Features that depend on Drupal (such as factories)

If your feature doesn’t require Drupal, the tests should go to tests/Feature. If it does require to be part of a module, you can use the test_module in tests/test_module. Within the module, there will be a tests folder where you can test your contributions.


All code for this package should go in the src/ directory. In there, you’ll find:

  • Concerns: Add-on features that must be PHP traits. Traits are ideal when a feature makes use of the main class functionality or can be be chained. For example, the InteractsWithAuthSystem offers actingAs() method that can be chained with HTTP requests as such: $this->actingAs(1)->get(‘/myform’);.
  • Console: Any commands that tripaltest offers go here. Note that all commands must be registered in kernel.php.
  • Database: Any database related features such as support for factories, publishing entities and seeding.
  • Exceptions: Any custom Exceptions.
  • Helpers: Functions that perform simple operations or make classes easier to access. For example, factory() is a helper method.
  • Mocks: Objects that simulate the behavior of other (real) objects. Read more about mocks
  • Services: Isolated classes that offer special functionality. Most classes that should be used within a test, such as SilentResponse, should also offer a helper method. For example, the Factory class offers the factory() helper.

Including PHP Files

Tripal Test Suite uses PSR-4 loading standards and therefore there is no need for you to manually include any file.


Namespaces matter in class/trait loading. The namespace must contain all sub directories. For example, the Concerns/PublishesData.php file must have the namespace namespace StatonLab\TripalTestSuite\Concerns;. All namespaces should be preceded with StatonLab\TripalTestSuite.

Code Style

We conform to PSR-2 code style