Testing HTTP Requests

TripalTestSuite provides a comprehensive HTTP testing methods. It allows you to call site urls and check that your Drupal menu items are working as expected.

For example, the following tests that the homepage is accessible and that the name of the website is present in the response.

public function testHomePage() {
  // Send a GET request
  $response = $this->get('/')

  // Verify the HTTP response code is "200 OK" and that the site name is visible
                   ->assertSee('My Site');

Available HTTP Testing Methods

The following table describes all available HTTP methods in any test class that extends TripalTestSuite:

name parameters Description Return
$this->get() $url string The url to calln**$params** array Query parameters.n**$headers** array Additional HTTP headers Sends a GET request TestResponse
$this->post() $url string The url to calln**$params** array Form request parameters.n**$headers** array Additional HTTP headers Sends a POST request TestResponse
$this->put() $url string The url to calln**$params** array Query parameters.n**$headers** array Additional HTTP headers Sends a PUT request TestResponse
$this->patch() $url string The url to calln**$params** array Query parameters.n**$headers** array Additional HTTP headers Sends a PATCH request TestResponse
$this->delete() $url string The url to calln**$params** array Query parameters.n**$headers** array Additional HTTP headers Sends a DELETE request TestResponse

The TestResponse returned from the HTTP requests, provide the following set of assertion methods:

name Parameters Description      
$response->assertStatus() $code int Verify the returned HTTP status code is equal to $code      
$response->assertSee() $content string Verify the given string is present in the returned response body (i e HTML JSON etc)
$response->assertJsonStructure() $structure array Verifies that the returned JSON matches the given structure (see below for example)      
$response->assertSuccessful() none Verify the returned HTTP status code is between 200 and 299 which are HTTP’s successful response codes